Leadership in Equality, Diversity and Inclusion | The Admin Shop
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Diversity Students
Image by Christina @ wocintechchat.com

As a business created to support clients and candidates in the education sector and the wider public services, a deep belief in equality, diversity and inclusion is at the heart of our values. We see our role as seeking out talent in all its forms, whatever they might be, and identifying true potential.

We take it as our duty to always be actively challenging assumptions about what outstanding talent looks like.


We know we have an important role to play in promoting equality, diversity and inclusion and we take this responsibility seriously. As a client of The Admin Shop, you will be challenged by our team to take positive action in recruitment processes, and we ask our clients to be true partners with us as we seek to improve the diversity of workplaces.


But we are also clear that we need to lay out our intentions to assess, review and bolster our commitment to Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion in our own business. The events of last year have only reinforced the need and urgency to increase the time and resources we commit to our ED&I work and we’ve taken practical steps to make that happen. 

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