6 Benefits of Mental Health First Aid Training
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6 Benefits of Mental Health First Aid Training

In the same way, you’d prepare for the possibility of physical injury in the workplace, having a colleague with mental health first aid training is a vital tool for keeping your team’s well-being centre stage.

Employees with good mental health are more likely to work productively, build positive relationships with their team, attend work regularly and make a more valuable overall contribution.
So what are the benefits of including mental health first aid training to improve the way your business views wellbeing?

Workplace mental health first aid training has never been more critical. As the World Health Organisation recognises burnout as a health epidemic, the number of workers coming to terms with their own mental health is steadily raising awareness about the repercussions of an overloaded mind. Poor mental health and workplace stress go hand in hand. If you’re finding yourself overwhelmed by your working life, it’s likely you’ll find your existing mental health problems exacerbated; if this stress becomes a constant factor in your life, it could develop into something more serious.

As awareness around these issues grows, it is even more important for workplaces to nominate specialist resources to support their employees. Having access to a professional with mental health first aid training will support employees when they are in crisis but could also lead to employees accessing information and support at a much earlier stage, therefore preventing absence or deterioration in their mental health.

1. Start the conversation

Mental health is being talked about more and more, but we still have a long way to go before our minds are treated in exactly the same way as we treat our bodies. Investing in mental health first aid training helps you to start the conversation around mental health within your own business, building a more positive working environment.

2. Recognise potential triggers

Perhaps one of the most important benefits of having mental health first aid training in the workplace is that you will have onsite expertise through a professional. A dedicated colleague with mental health first aid training will be able to help you spot the signs of poor mental health, allowing you to take workplace pressures away where possible and encouraging your team to get further support if needed.

3. Create a positive culture

Making sure your business has access to a professional with mental health first aid training will not only help to support your current employees, but it’ll also begin building a sustainable culture for your future employees too. Showing a commitment to mental health demonstrates how important your team’s well-being is to you as an employer, attracting people with a similar mindset to your business and ensuring your working environment is as supportive and positive as possible.

4. Aid mental health recovery

As well as recognising the signs of poor mental health, a member of your team with mental health first aid training will help guide you through the tools you need to support someone in recovery. This stage of mental health first aid training is crucial for maintaining a positive environment within your workplace, ensuring your entire team feels supported and motivated to adjust to everyday working life.

5. Be mindful of your wellbeing

Building a culture of positive mental health starts with your well-being. Having access to quality mental health first aid training will help you assess your mental health and that of your team, letting you take steps to minimise work pressures where possible and reduce the negative impact of mental health among your whole team. As managers and leaders, demonstrating that we invest in our own well-being sends a powerful message to the team that they should do the same. 6. Build resilience in your workplace

Finally, investing in mental health first aid training will provide you with the most sustainable, resilient foundations for your business. 80% of people struggling with their mental health find it difficult to concentrate, while 37% are more likely to get into conflict with colleagues.

Investing in mental health first aid training or nominating a person to become a Mental Health First Aider means that not only will your team live happier and more healthy lives, but your business’s future will also flourish too.

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